I'm a big fan of Peloton's workouts. One of my favorite strength instructors is Logan Aldridge, whose photo above is a link to his website for those who want to learn more about him. On August 5, 2024, he taught a class that I took at a later time. (I almost never take the classes live, though I like the idea that some time, I might get a shout-out on screen.) In the class, he made a distinction between doing something one day and making today day one.
This difference speaks to me. If I have a hope to do something one day, I might never get started. I might never plan its component parts or figure out what tools or help I would need. In short, I'd be unlikely ever to reach that goal.
Instead, if I decide that today is day one of my plan to do that thing, then I have to take a step in the right direction.
The day this post goes live is the 100-days-until-graduation celebration for the class I dean. (Are any of you 2025s reading this? If so, let me know and get 5 bonus points on our February challenge!) As much as I like a good countdown, I like a count-up better. If I make today the first day towards reaching my aspirations, I can figure out how to get where I want to go.
What goal do you have or have you been putting off that you could make today be day one for accomplishing? And what steps will you take today so that you complete day two tomorrow? And how will you keep going so that today's day one successfully brings you to the one day you want? Please share any responses in the comments.
Can I have five bonus points even if I’m not at 05? I’ll make 2025 year one of the rest of my life!
You can have all the bonus points!