I like being a student, so I've spent a lot of time in schools. I'll let you guess which of the degrees listed above I have or am working on. The list comes from a career profiles website I found that offers an amazingly extensive list of the many degrees people can earn. That said, with all of the letters I have and will have behind my name, I'm most proud of my self-designated letters, GSD (gets stuff done).
- When people send me an email, I reply.
- When I get a bill in the mail, I pay.
- When I notice garbage in my path, I pick it up.
- When someone asks a question, I answer.
- When I have a goal, I set and stick to a plan.
- When I have papers to grade, I grade them.
All of this to say, I like being a person others can count on and don't have to wait for. More, I like being a person I can count on. When I want to get something done, I don't wait until a better, more convenient time comes along to do it. I don't hope someone else will take care of it. I don't blame my surroundings or resources. I just get stuff done.
Short post this week because I have stuff to do. Do you?
What letters would you want after your name? For what can people count on you? What will you get done? Please share your ideas, hopes, goals, and favorite initialisms in the comments.
I love this post! I would claim GSD as well because it’s what gets me through this time when I feel such a lack of purpose. I love generating my to do lists and crossing off items as I complete them and for 2021 I am including the fun things on my list, like taking classes and reading books and to whom I am mailing a card each week.
I would also add ID (idea generator) as I love opportunities to brainstorm and find solutions to problems. I do feel a sense of purpose when I can help someone by offering an idea of how to solve a problem, plan something or find ways to accomplish their goals.
Hi Brenda, I love your two additions to the GSD philosophy — adding fun agenda items and becoming an IG. Thanks for the wonderful comment!
All good things, Carita
You rock. I wish more people were committed to GSD.
Back at you, Sistah!
I really like this concept of just getting things done. The amount of times that I’ve sent an email and then gotten ghosted is far too many, but I think most of my emails to you have something like a 12 hour turnaround time at most, and that’s if I send it in the middle of the night.
Good luck grading all those papers!
You’re right, Alex, that I’m not a late-night person. I’ve never understood some people’s urge not to reply. Even when I don’t have an answer, it seems more polite to say so right away and then get a real answer later. Thanks for the comment and luck. All good things, cg