Now that I’ve come out about my love of romance, made a new year’s resolution to read more romance novels, and written to convince you loyal readers that you might want to join me in reading more romance (Both of those posts are linked here so that you can read the earlier posts, but I hope you'll come back to finish reading about SM.), I’ve decided that my next step is to provide some specific romance recommendations. Each month, starting today, I’ll share some thoughts on one of the romance authors, tropes, or books I’ve read recently, and when my book gets published, I'll give you a long list of why you should buy and read it.
The obvious first choice for this series is Selena Montgomery, whose name and work I learned about from a former colleague who saw my New Year’s post.
Montgomery has penned eight books, four of which I’ve read. (I couldn't get the others.) I love that each book blends the tropes of romance with the can’t-put-it-down excitement of a crime drama. Although the books work in series, they stand alone, each solving a mystery and each following the budding love of one couple. In each, I learned about aspects of our legal system (Montgomery went to Spelman College and Yale Law School) and about small-town Georgia life.
If enjoying the books on their own merits isn’t a good enough reason for you to buy and read these novels, try this reason: Selena Montgomery saved American democracy. Yes, that’s right. Her non-pen name is Stacey Abrams. What can this woman not do? She was already my hero, but the fact that she writes romance novels put her on a pedestal so tall I can’t see its top.
Can you think of other romance writers whose day jobs would surprise or thrill me? If so, please share in the comments.