I’ve been writing once per month about various romance writers I’ve found during this, my year of romance novels. I came across Jojo Moyes through the glorious medium of Netflix, when I happened upon Me Before You, a 2016 romance starring Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin. Moyes has written twelve books, nine of which I’m looking…
Author: caritagardiner
135. Why “They Are” Is Okay
I took the photo above from Personnel Today’s article, “Gender Identity: How to be More Inclusive When Using Pronouns.” I’ve always been all for inclusivity and for calling people what they want to be called, but for a long time, I had a grammar hangup that got in the way of this value. I wondered…
134. Why Embrace Dissonance
[I took the cartoon above from Libby Buckfelder’s Slide Share explaining cognitive dissonance theory.] You’ve entered yet another week in which my idea comes from what I’ve heard on Peloton, in this case, from two instructors. Ross Rayburn talked (in his yoga flow class on April 9, 2021) about the importance of grounding down and…
133. Why I’m Not Too Busy
I took the photo above from a website called appreciation at work, in an article asking, “Are you too busy to learn how to overcome busyness?” I think the question and the image capture how many of us feel a lot of the time; if we don’t do eight things at once, we’ll never get…
132. Why Joanna Shupe Gives Second Chances
I took the above photo of Joanna Shupe from her website, which you should check out at some point before or after reading a ton of her books. I decided to focus on Shupe in this month’s romance author/trope spotlight because I love what she does with her heroines. While my post on Lisa Kleypas…
131. Why I Don’t Care What You Think
Check out Tuukka’s “I don’t care about anything” face. Pretty cute on him. The title of my post is an exaggeration, but now that you’re here, let me explain what I’m thinking. As you know, I work with teenagers, and I’m always floored by how much of their energy and attention goes into paying attention…
130. Why We Ask Why
My sister (Thanks, V!) sent me this powerful video on YouTube, which connects some of the searches people made in 2020 with many of the important moments of that unprecedented year. While we were all stuck, separated in our homes, we could look for answers with our fingertips on keyboards rather than through physical exploration….
129. Why Blame the Victim?
[If you knew of my existence in my first eighteen years of life, there was about a ninety percent chance you thought of me as “Viveca’s sister.” At the time, I didn’t always see that as a good thing. I do now. I’m so grateful to have my sister, Viveca Gardiner, in my world. She’s…
128. Why We Shouldn’t Lean In
Please don’t judge me harshly for the percentage of my posts that spin off podcasts and Peloton workouts. Since both activities fill my mornings, I get ideas from them frequently. (Of course, if you have other ideas for posts, you should write a guest post. Then you can trash talk me all you want, and…
127. Why I Read APs
[After I wrote this, I realized that I wrote a very similar post two years ago. I guess I’m both consistent and forgetful. You probably didn’t read that one, so here’s Why I Read APs, 2.0.] When this post goes live, I’ll be hours away from beginning eight days of reading the College Board’s Advanced…