A year ago around this time, I published a post I had written the year before to remind myself (and anyone out there reading this) of some of the aspects of diving that I love. I’m writing this essay a year in advance for a similar reason. Every year, the Salisbury Stingers (my adult, women’s…
Author: caritagardiner
303. Why Remakes
Back in the day, I taught a Senior English elective on film adaptations (including, of course, The Princess Bride). In that class, we would read books that had been made into movies and consider all the decisions that go into telling a story through moving images and sounds rather than black squiggles on paper. Early…
302. Why Be Vulnerable 2.0
This is my second post about the advantages of being vulnerable, but I’m not making the same point here as in the other one. Plus, since I published the first essay more than two years ago, I’m guessing that most of you either didn’t read it or don’t remember it. If you want to, you…
301. Why Empathy over Anger
If you’ve spoken with me for more than five minutes and/or read more than one of the other posts on this website, you know how I feel about romance novels. I know there are some lousy ones out there, but so many of them are wonderful. Just for the Summer is one such book. I particularly…
300. Why Flags are Complicated
Some of you might recognize the clip art I placed above these words, but I’m guessing not everyone reading this has the same reaction to seeing the American flag. In some locations, this symbol stands for one set of values where in other situations, people use it to support the exactly opposite ideals. In my…
299. Why (True) Generosity is Tricky for Me
The photo above doesn’t have anything to do with my topic for today. It’s a photo I took at my school; I think it’s pretty. I’ve been thinking about what it means to be truly generous. I love giving gifts, especially ones that people don’t expect and that don’t align with any recognized gift-giving event….
298. Why Preach Peace
I write my posts ahead of when they go live, and when I saw that this piece would become available on the twenty-third anniversary of one of the worst days in American/human history, I decided I’d write about the importance of teaching/ preaching/ leading people to seek peace. On my campus, one thoughtful, enterprising student…
297. Why Teach Digital Wellness
A year ago, the school where I work instituted a new rule saying that people couldn’t use their phones in communal spaces (dining hall, chapel, auditorium, class). When teachers find students on their devices in these places, we’re supposed to take their phones away, bring them to the deans’ office, and allow students to retrieve…
296. Why Take Breaks
Somebody took the above photo of my husband last spring at our school’s farm. When he was lounging in the grass, he had probably recently completed an hour or two of outdoor labor with the kids whose afternoon activity brings our school a significant percentage of its produce. My husband (Hi, CIO!) is very good…
295. Why Search Your Virtual Couch
Like many people, I get excited when I find a few dollars in the pockets of pants or jackets I haven’t worn in a while even though I know the money was mine to begin with. The proverbial place to find spare change is in one’s couch cushions, but the sofa you see above is…