I wanted to give myself a pat on the back for writing my hundredth weekly post, but took a little while to think about how to mark the occasion. Naturally, a recent binge of mine, the CW show The 100, came to mind. As you can tell from the screenshot (above) of a Google search…
99. Why 2K
When I realized that my #hotchkiss365 tag has reached two thousand posts, I had two thoughts. First, wow, yay me. Second, I should do an essay on CaritaGardiner.com about why I’ve stuck with that project. Then, as my brain heard the title of this entry “Why Two Kay,” I realized that it was an exact…
98. Why Figure it Out
I first heard the initialism LMGTFY when my sister (Hi, V!) told me a story about somebody’s asking her for an easily findable piece of information. Tell the truth, when you first encountered the term, LMGTFY, did you look it up yourself or ask someone about it? I almost asked her what it meant, but…
97. Why I’m Obsessed with the Liar’s Dividend
I found the photo above on an ad for a Publix supermarkets’s sale. I suppose having a Veteran’s Day sale strikes me as better than a Columbus Day sale, but honoring people’s service this way still seems odd. Maybe Publix is giving the implied suggestion that you should donate your saved money to a group…
96. Why Ask “What?” Not “Why?”
Today might be a big day. We might find out today if we keep the same racist, sexist, cruel, dishonest president we’ve had for the last four years, or we might find out that we get to try a different elderly, rich, able-bodied, Christian, cisgender, white male president for the next four years. We might…
95. Why Embrace Discomfort
I took the photo above on Friday, September 25, 2020. That morning, three student groups on campus, MoCaH (Men of Color at Hotchkiss), Cafe (Women of Color at Hotchkiss) and BaHSA (Black and Hispanic Student Alliance), organized a walkout. The verdicts had just come in affirming that Breonna Taylor’s murderers would not face punishment. The…
94. Why Open the Door
I took the photo from the Dovetail Custom Builders website, but it’s a photo of the barn doors on the cabin Dovetail built for us. If you want to see what’s behind the doors, you have a couple choices. Right now, you could check out their website, clicking the link for the Bristol. (If you…
93. Why Write a Guest “Why…Wednesday”
So the photo above is a behind-the-scenes peek at what my screen looks like when I start putting together a Why Wednesday post. I know that right now, everyone who reads CaritaGardiner.com knows me, Carita Gardiner, but I’m hoping that won’t always be true. I write these weekly missives with the idea that someday, when…
92. Why and When to Multitask
The photo above isn’t one I shot, but one I found on a Google image search for “multitasking.” (It comes from Scientific American Blogs.) I selected it because (1) she’s got curly hair (and I’m always pro-curly) and (2) it’s from an article called, “No, Women Can’t Multitask Either.” The “either” got me thinking. Why…
91. Why THINK
I couldn’t figure out a relevant image to put with this post, so I pasted in my all-time-favorite Tuukka photo, and I made it really big because I love the look of the hair flying off his ears. I wanted to make sure you got to see that feature. None of this has anything to…