The amazingly smart people at Peloton are giving 90-day free trial memberships right now (though I apologize if the deal is over by the time this blog posts, as I’ve gotten a little ahead in writing since I don’t have much else going on). Anyway, I’ve been trying to keep active by walking outside a…
69. Why Finish What You Start
Usually, I take the photos I use on my site, but my sink is empty because I had the idea for this post as I was cleaning it out. Anyway, the photo above came from Jane’s Kitchen Miracle, a site that looks pretty good and certainly is getting at what I wanted to talk about…
68. Why Social Distancing
A lot of people would say that where I live is the middle of nowhere. They’re wrong, of course. In fact, this town has easy access to NYC, Boston, Albany, and other places. The town of Lakeville might not be big enough to have a grocery store, but the location allows its residents to feel…
67. Why Swedish Fish
I’ve talked before about how much I love candy, but I didn’t give you, loyal readers, the full story about my particular love of Swedish Fish. (I did give pretty close to the whole story last September, but I have a few more followers now than I did then, so if you’ve been with me…
66. Why Social Isolation
I’m writing this post during my Spring Break, a two-week vacation that I just heard yesterday has become a three-week vacation for the students. The school will follow our time off with online classes for at least two weeks. We’ll have to reassess what’s going to happen after the social isolation, to see if Covid-19…
65. Why Make Lemonade…or Water
I’m writing this post during my Spring Vacation. Yesterday, I was supposed to fly to Poland, a country I’ve never visited but know I will (I’m saying “will” to stay hopeful) find fascinating. I was really looking forward to seeing Krakow, which I’ve heard is stunning, and the camps, which I know would move me….
64. Why Not Rely on Policy
The photo above has absolutely nothing to do with the rant I’m about to lay on you. Instead, it’s a photo I took this week of the stunning sky over the Main Building on our campus. Sometimes, when I remember to look up and look around (sage advice from a dear friend), my jaw goes…
63. Why Puns
This poster hangs in the math wing of the main classroom building at my school. Donut you love it? I teach English for a living and write for fun, so it will probably come as no surprise to you that I love words, but I particularly love plays on words. Puns combine two of my…
62. Why Walk
I took the above photo when I was out walking Tuukka, my lovable and gigantic dog. As you’ve probably figured out, I’m his morning walker; my husband usually takes him in the afternoons. If either of us is away, the other does both walks. You’re probably thinking, “Why don’t their kids ever walk the dog?…
61. Why Write a List
My elbow is a mess. It’s been a mess for months, so finally, under advice of people who’ve had elbow issues, I went to a doctor. Locals call him “the wrist guy,” but he’s also supposed to be great with elbows. I was glad to see him. He pushed on a spot an inch from…