I know that we can select our careers but not our colleagues, but we can select careers that are likely to provide us with colleagues who are the kinds of people who brighten our days. I’m lucky that way because I love hanging out with the kinds of people who become teachers. For an online…
59. Why Early Morning Workouts
I took the above photo after one of my morning workouts. Alone, that view could make my point about why it’s great to workout first thing in the morning, but I won’t stop there. I have more reasons. First, habits help. At the turn of the year/decade, many of my podcasts talked about how to…
58. Why Wait
I have a really fancy car. It’s glorious. More important, I have a super safe car. Five stars of safety. Still, there were two recalls and an update that Audi had to make on my terrific Q5. They said the whole process would take about three hours and asked if I wanted to use a…
57. Why Travel for Work
I’m writing this post as I sit in a hotel room in Albuquerque, NM. I’m thinking about how lucky I am to be here. I know that my employer is incredibly generous to allow me, even back me to attend the Independent School Gender Project Conference each year, so I’m feeling quite grateful at the…
56. Why I’m Laughing
I told you earlier that I hosted a party recently, but didn’t mention that in the middle of the party, somebody came to me and said, “Carita, something strange is going on with your toilet.” I had a flashback to some friends who, many years ago in their dorm apartment, had raw sewage shooting out…
55. Why Take Exams
Truth be told, I’m writing this post before you’re reading it. (Of course, that’s obvious, since I can’t very well write it after you read it!) I figure that since almost nobody reads my posts as they publish (because I’m not yet a super famous author with fans who don’t know me in person), I’m…
54. Why RSVP
I recently hosted a party. I love hosting parties. I had a great time at this party and was thinking about writing, today, about how much I love hosting parties. I think I’ll write that post next week or sometime after that. This morning, however, I’m in the mood to rant a little. I invited…
53. Why I Love Club Puck
On the first day of this year’s Club Puck season, back in December, right after the kids got off the ice, as I waited for the Zamboni to complete its first round so that I could move the nets to clean ice, I took this photo of center ice. Maybe I should back up a…
52. Why Little Resolutions
First of all, happy new year. Thanks for reading my blog, whether you’re reading it on the first of January 2020 or the thirty-first of December 2050. Either way, cool beans. I’m super grateful for another year of life, health, a loving family, my job, and my writing. I didn’t realize until I went to…
51. Why Gingerbread
If you’ve read more than this one entry, you’re probably tired of reading about how lucky I feel to have the job I have, but, well, here’s another reason I’m lucky to work at Hotchkiss. At some point more than a decade ago, Hotchkiss started taking advantage of an insurance discount offered to schools/employers who…