For years, I’ve organized a Passover Seder at my school. Because Hotchkiss has a global population, many of the students here can’t go celebrate holidays with their families. The School generously supports my efforts both to provide a Seder for the Jewish students here and to open the Seder to non-Jewish students, faculty, and staff…
15. Why I Cry at Movies (and books and TV commercials and…)
The short answer is, I don’t know. But creating a blog isn’t about giving the short answer to anything, so I’ll go on. I find romance novels, movies, and tv shows addictive. I can get totally immersed in the story in seconds, more eager to find out what happens–and by “what happens,” I mean “how…
14. Why I Love Main Building Duty
I’ve worked in boarding schools for my entire adult life. At my first school post-college, I lived in a dorm of eleven girls. My apartment (with two bathrooms, one with a shower and sink, the other with a toilet and sink) made up half of the small building and offered a stunning view of the…
13. Why I Love Our Old Neighbors
Okay, so the photo has NOTHING to do with the post, but how does somebody take a photo of so many great people in my neighborhood? Impossible, I think, and Tuukka always looks good in a photo, so enjoy a photo of Tuukka with a post about why I love my neighbors. And now that…
12. Why I Love Our New Neighbors
We’re staying at our house in Maine for part of spring break. This is such an exciting development that the preceding sentence doesn’t do it justice. Future posts will certainly explain the thrill of being able to say, “We’re staying at our house in Maine,” but for now, please realize how over-the-moon I am at…
11. Why I Eat Bagels
My school offers a lot of amazing perks. I’ve gotten to travel, with an without students, to Ireland, China, California, Tennessee, and more. I’ve gotten to take courses on counseling, creative writing, and cooking. More often, I get to live in an beautiful home, enjoy a stunning view, and work with stellar students. And I…
10. Why I Exercise
Of course, you already know the obvious reasons: it’s good for me, I’ll live longer, I can eat more, etc. But none of those obvious reasons gets exactly at why I am so consistent about my exercise routine. The short answer is that I feel better when I’m sore. Obviously, sore muscles, by the definition…
9. Why I Don’t Overthink Things
turning yourself upside down with too much stress When you read the title of this week’s “Why I,” you probably thought I meant that I act spontaneously, forging ahead without mulling over what dumb decisions I’ve made. Though I try to move forward, that’s not what I meant. In fact, I don’t believe it’s possible…
8. Why I Read Romance
I teach great books to my students. Every year, I’m happy to reread the kinds of books they should understand allusions about when they come up in everyday conversations. References will come up because absolutely everyone who went to a halfway decent school will have read some of the same novels. And they’re great. But…
7. Why I Got a Dog
I grew up in a family of no pets. Actually, that’s not quite accurate. I grew up in a family with a few fish, some that lasted and others fated for the fast flush. We never had the kind of pet a person can cuddle. My husband always wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog, but for…