title: Passion Under the Microscope
author: Christine Miles
publisher: Sealed with a Swoon Books
publication date: March 19, 2024
pages: only on Kindle, so ??
peppers: 3 (on this scale)
warnings: none
summary: Tanith, a high school science teacher sprains her ankle while trying to get a photo (for her class on reproduction) of mating birds. Her friends make her see swoon-worthy doctor Luke, who happens to have had a crush on her for months. Meanwhile, her evil mother comes to town and his sports medicine practice partner turns out to be a jerk.
- I've sworn off men
- secret pining
- friends who see what's going on
- helpless-helpful
- small town
what I liked:
- the scenes with teachers talking about teaching
- small-town life
what I didn’t like:
- neither main character seems mid-thirties; they both act/think closer to twenty.
- they think and rethink the same things. She could have cut 30% of the novel to improve it.
- mother and partner were too all-bad, no nuance
overall rating: 2 (of 5 stars)